Kirsty Dunphey

 Up Loans Co-Founder


2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 MPA Top 100 Brokers in Australia

2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 Choice Platinum Broker (2023 was the final year for this award)

2023 LMG Top 25 International Broker, LMG Top 100 Female Broker Nationwide

2024 LMG Top 100 Broker






Life before Up

Kirsty has been involved in property in one way or another for as long as she can remember and involved with Carrie her Up Loans co—founder (the non brunette above) for nearly as long.  To be fair, it began long before she was old enough to officially work, when she visited investment properties with her parents as a young child to collect the rent (and to view the odd unauthorised pet including a huge python). From there real estate called to her early in her working life at the age of 15, with her first job in a real estate office as a coffee and filing slave (*not her official title). From there Kirsty co-founded her first award winning real estate agency at age 21, published two books, sold real estate agencies, started property management companies and spoke all over the world from Las Vegas to Roma (that’s the tiny town in Queensland, sadly not Rome as yet!) Prior to Up Kirsty also embarked upon the adventure of sharing her life with two gorgeous and willful young girls – her daughters born in 2011 and 2013. 

And in 2014 – Kirsty and Carrie had their own little baby (well sort of) as it was the year that Up Loans started.


Kirsty’s Property Journey 

Kirsty’s often said that she doesn’t have that many hobbies: tea drinking, travel, photography and property seem to be about it. But when she loves something – my word, she’ll throw herself into it. Kirsty sees well thought out and planned investment properties as her plan to future financial comfort. Having been ensconced in the industry so long – it only made sense that this is where her knowledge is and as such, it’s where she’s devoted much of her time and interest outside of work as well. 


Charitable Donation:

Each month the Up Loans team chooses to make a charitable donation based on the number of loans written and team member contributions. Kirsty chose: Teach Her

Kirsty Dunphey is a credit representative (465864) of BLSSA Pty Ltd ACN 117 651 760 (Australian Credit Licence 391237).