Who should get a Depreciation Schedule for their Investment Property?

This blog comes on the heels of me renting out my family home which I’d lived in for 17 years and not remembering, until it had been rented out for nearly a year and a half, that I hadn’t had a depreciation schedule done! As a former property manager, real estate agent and a long-time property investor I should know better – but it slipped my mind so […]

Read More | 19 Jun, 2024

What does my broker do vs what my solicitor or conveyancer does?

On a purchase (as opposed to a refinance) you’ll have a conveyancer or solicitor on your team as one of your key people who make the deal happen, and as your brokers we work hand in hand with them. It can get a little confusing about whose responsibility different milestones are throughout the process so we’ve made a handy little guide to assist: Your broker is responsible for: […]

Read More | 13 Jun, 2024

Why use an offset account instead of a savings account?

Is using an offset account beneficial? Should you keep your savings in an offset account or an external account? Watch and listen Kirsty quickly dive into why you should be using an offset account for your saving IF you have one.   Links to other articles What is an offset account? Read about multiple offsets here What is the difference between redraw and offset in your home loan? […]

Read More | 03 Jun, 2024