Borrowing extra funds over 80% of a property’s value

When you enter into a home loan you can typically borrow up to 95% of the property’s value (at a maximum). To do this we pay lender’s mortgage insurance typically – click here. From there, until you get the amount you owe under 80% of the valuation any extra borrowings will incur LMI again and the bank will restrict how much you can borrow – typically to the […]

Read More | 17 Feb, 2021

Wants vs Needs

When looking at multiple properties there’s a tendency for a few things to happen based on your particular personality type. Let’s call this one Dory They all blend together and you can’t remember one from the next after you’ve been to 20 open homes!   Then there’s Goldilocks None are just quite right, one is too much this, one is too little that. You’re looking for the perfect […]

Read More | 10 Feb, 2021

If you are a Tasmanian first home buyer purchasing under $750,000:

If you are a first home buyer purchasing in Tasmania under $750,000 then use the following link to get the form for your duty concession and request the folio / title details from your conveyancer or solicitor. Please return the completed form to both your solicitor/conveyancer and a copy to us so that we can end to the bank. Please note we cannot determine your eligibility for […]

Read More | 09 Feb, 2021