Most of the time when you purchase a property the valuer is merely trying to ascertain (through previous sold settled properties) that what you’ve paid is fair. You pay $285,000 the valuation will (most likely) come back at $285,000. You pay $666,666 the valuation will (surprisingly) come back at exactly $666,666! But sometimes the valuation can fall short of the mark and here you’ve got a few options: 1. Accept the lower valuation and either contribute more […]
Read More | 18 Mar, 2020March 2020
Valuations explained
There are two main types of valuations: Onsite valuations. Where a valuer will go to the property to inspect it (here’s a little article on what to expect from the valuer when they perform their onsite inspection: Type 1. Where there is a contract of sale. Usually you’re purchasing a property from someone who is not a relative. You might be using a real estate agent or dealing […]
Read More | 13 Mar, 2020